Secondment from University of Campinas (BR) to Wageningen University and Research (NL)


Prof. Marcelo Dornelas (UNICAMP – Brazil) spent a 6 month-long sabbatical season within the group of Gerco Angenent (Wageningen University – The Netherlands) from August 2022 to February 2023. He spent this time studying the functions of PEB and TCP genes of Arabidopsis and Passiflora in reproductive development. During his sabbatical he also helped PhD Students from the Wageningen group with their work. Additionally, he gave seminars about the research he is doing in Brazil with flower and fruit development in passionfruit. During his stay, Prof. Dornelas also offered a Course on 3D image acquisition and analysis for the Graduate School of Experimental Plant Sciences. Prof. Dornelas´ group in Brazil currently uses these 3D imaging techniques to study flower and fruit structure and development in Passiflora species.

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