Secondment of Prof. Baldan from University of Padova (IT) to the New York Botanical Garden (US). July – August 2023


Prof. Barbara Baldan (UNIPD and BG of Padova) spent a 1 month within the group of dr. Barbara Ambrose (NY Botanical Garden – USA). She spent this time in networking activities as she is the Coordinator of this RISE project. In addition she was engaged in scientific discussion about Ginkgo biloba results, obtained in Padova and in the NYBG, from in situ hybridization techniques used for studying the spatio-temporal expression of specific genes in ovule and male cone development (KANADI, Class III HD-Zips, and BELLs). She also had the opportunity of fruitful discussions with Prof. Dennis Stevenson, one of the most internationally renowned experts in Gymnosperm life cycle, systematics, morphology and ecology who gave fundamental suggestions for the ongoing research. He also was a perfect host and a fantastic guide to know the amazing plant biodiversity represented in the beautiful NY Botanical Garden. 

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